This post was originally published on August 8, 2020.

While Tekt Industries can’t be in the same room as its clients: its design and manufacturing services are going strong throughout the COVID-19 pandemic. In fact, they’re getting better.

Still focused on delivery

Tekt’s dedicated electronics and advanced technology assembly line is still active and online every day of the week. Meanwhile, Tekt’s team of talented engineers are supporting with test engineering, under COVIDSafe practices at our fabrication facility to ensure delivery.

COVID-19 has forced Tekt to become more intentional in its communications with clients. It has prompted Tekt to be more proactive in planning to ensure success during these unusual circumstances.

It has been a great motivator to harness the cloud communication tools Tekt already has, in new and innovative ways. Great engineering and design is often created in the quiet and isolated times and then shared in the loud and public moments in history.

Tekt News

Tekt is starting an electronic Newsletter, to be distributed occasionally—once a month at the most. It will contain the latest on Tekt’s projects but also other insights and knowledge relevant to the Tekt community.